Friday, May 25, 2012

Snow in July

Part 4
By Dr. Becky Sanez, Edited by the Embryo Adoption Awareness Center

The following is Part 4 of Drs. Becky and Joe Saenz’s Embryo Adoption story. Their story is revealed in a four part series on the EAAC blog. Parts 1,2 and 3 are posted on earlier EAAC blogs.

When Jacob turned 18 months, we began planning for a final attempt at pregnancy, knowing that we already had our “one in six” success rate, and that since I was now 43, that might lessened our chances. We were both surprised and thrilled when that next pregnancy test was positive! Again, the six-week ultrasound was bittersweet: only one healthy-appearing baby.

This pregnancy, however, was not without a few complications. Samuel was born six weeks early by emergency cesarean section on November 16, 2008. Another miracle. After 11 days in neonatal intensive care, he came home on Thanksgiving Day. He is now the most rambunctious 3-year-old boy I know. Our family is complete: two girls and two boys .

Our boys are genetic brothers as well as adopted brothers. We have pictures of their genetic older brothers, taken at about 3 years of age. If you saw them all in the same room, you could pick them out as four brothers. Some day, I hope we can meet their genetic parents in person to thank them. We are blessed.

Drs. Becky and Joe Saenz have been married 23 years and have 4 kids ages 15, 13, 5, and 2. She’s a homeschooling, mini-van driving, ballet mom. She practices a little medicine on the side. In July 2003, she opened the Mississippi Breastfeeding Medicine Clinic, to serve breastfeeding mothers and their babies who are having problems.

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