Friday, July 20, 2012

Snowflake Baby Born During Snowstorm

The following is a story of embryo adoption was written by David and Stacy Giesen, compiled by the Family Research Council and edited for the purposes of this blog by the Awareness Center.

David and I were devastated after five hard years of infertility treatment to learn we could not have children. We had dreamed for years of the family that we would have together and had spent thousands of dollars and all our energy trying to realize this wish. One day we stumbled onto Snowflakes Embryo Adoption and were overjoyed. After accepting I’d never be pregnant, I learned I could be pregnant, wear maternity clothes, give birth, and breast feed my adoptive child. We were able to correspond with the biological family, share photos, stories, and medical histories, and have a connection for our baby to know his biological family someday.

We felt so much love for the family staring at us in the photos, and their twins were the most beautiful children I had ever seen. I knew we were led to this family. After an amazing nine-month pregnancy, our little snowflake, Frank, was born in the middle of the night, in the middle of a snowstorm to a very crowded waiting room. He has been such a joy these last 18 months. Frank was such a beautiful, calm, and social baby. He loved getting passed around and meeting new faces. As a toddler, his social disposition brings so much joy into this world. I see him leaning out of the grocery cart trying to play peek-a-boo with the stranger next to him. I see the stresses of the day melt from them as they smile and play back. He is such a force in this world and he is not yet two. I wonder what kind of person he will be as a husband and father. Last week we attended a White House press conference supporting the veto of the bill that would have removed restrictions on the use of federal funds in research that requires the killing of an embryonic child, and thought about what an amazing journey we had been on.

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