Friday, August 10, 2012

J.J. and Tracy's Embryo Adoption Story

The following is taken from this couple’s online journal,, compiled by the Family Research Council and edited for the purposes of this blog by the Awareness Center. 

August 5, 2004: Yesterday we had our embryo transfer appointment. Unfortunately, we had to thaw all ten of the embryos we adopted. This resulted in three embryos that we transferred.

August 19: Today we found out we are PREGNANT! This is still a critical time and we will know more at our first ultrasound. We hope to then find out how many of our three babies are developing and if there is a heartbeat(s).

August 27: We had our first ultrasound today and found out we have ONE baby! Everything was so tiny, but we were very fortunate to see a little flutter that the doctor said was the heartbeat.

September 13: We went in today for our eight-week ultrasound and everything looks normal.

November 22: Tracy is approximately 18 weeks along at this point. We go in for our next sonogram where we hope to answer the boy/girl question. Tracy has had some minor pregnancy symptoms but nothing too difficult so far (easy for me to say).

December 6: We had our 20 week ultrasound today and found out we are having a baby BOY! He appeared to be perfectly normal and healthy. We even got to see his fingers and toes. We are so in love with our little boy and are amazed at God’s miracle.

February 25, 2005: Tomorrow I will be 32 weeks along in my pregnancy. Only 8 weeks to go! At the last doctor visit I was measuring a little small so the doctor ordered another ultrasound. Our little one was fine and was actually measuring 3 days ahead of schedule.

April 25, 2005: Forgive us our overwhelming joy in announcing the arrival of Jack Lewis Jones III, a.k.a. Trey. He arrived last night at 8:31 pm. He weighs 8 lbs 3 oz and measures 20 3/4 inches long. Tracy had a c-section and both Trey and Mom are doing real well. Words cannot express our overwhelming joy. Thank you to so many of you that have prayed for Trey and his arrival.

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