Friday, October 12, 2012

Matt and Ann Marie's Embryo Adoption Pt. 2

The following is the conclusion Matt and Ann Marie's embryo adoption story. To read Part 1, visit our blog archive. This story is written by Matt and Ann Marie and edited by the EAAC for the purposes of this blog. 

And that’s when the right family came along and selected us to adopt their little ones, a family with 20 frozen embryos and two successful births of their own.  The Snowflakes Program brought us together, the embryos were shipped, and the military doctor performed the transfer at the tail end of Matt’s deployment to Baghdad, Iraq.  Returning home, he joined me a few days later at the doctor’s office only to learn that I was pregnant.  The homecoming was complete in every way.  We had been taken so far on this journey through the wilderness of infertility.

A few weeks later we found out we’d be having twins – both embryos had survived the thaw and successfully implanted.  We were further humbled when we found out we’d be having twin boys, brothers who would grow up knowing they had genetic parents who cared enough for their lives to be patient and find a home for them, and adoptive parents who loved them enough to carry, give birth to, and bring them into their home to raise them.  

Raising them is our privilege. We now find ourselves understanding the joy that comes from adopting, from taking in those outside our family and bringing them into our family.

On May 13th, 2012 (a most special Mother’s Day present), our twins were born – Cade and Jackson – crying and beautiful and alive.  As alive that day as they had been five years earlier when they were conceived.  Now adopted, they were a part of our family, and we were humbled and honored to care for and raise them.  We brought them home, knowing the very best was in store for us and for them.

We now know so much joy from these boys who have been adopted into our family.  We will do our best to raise and train them, and we will love them.  We will love them as our very own.

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