Monday, November 12, 2012

A Day in the Life…

Good morning reader. My name is Amy Strayer and I’m the Adoption Agency Liaison here at the Awareness Center. Grab a cup of coffee with me (I like mine with cinnamon) and let’s chat about a day what a day in the life here looks like.

In about 20 minutes my coffee will be gone and my emails read (hopefully I will have replied to all but at least I will have made a note to do so later). I will be starting in on my primary role here a few minutes after that, working with adoption agencies around the country. I help provide them with information on embryo donation and adoption, answer questions, and help connect them to other agencies or fertility clinics that might need their services. Ultimately, the goal of all of this informing and connecting is to get this information to you or to those you know who may be looking into adopting or donating embryos.

About 10 calls in, it will be time for a break, so I’ll switch it up a bit before making more calls. Perhaps I’ll head out to an OB/GYN office to share with the doctors and staff there in person about embryo donation and adoption. Really, it depends on the day. We all wear multiple hats here, so I could also be creating print marketing materials, managing social networking, coordinating volunteers, or filling any number of different roles. Even my on my slower days, there is never a dull moment. On a lazy Friday afternoon I might kick back and do some data entry or write some blogs.

I just celebrated one year of working at the EAAC a little while ago. I don’t know about you, but anniversaries tend to make me remember how far I’ve come. I have learned more this past year about embryo adoption, donation, and infertility than I could’ve ever thought possible. But to be honest, I’ve learned the most through hearing the stories of people just like you – people who have faced infertility and have chosen to not let it define them. People who perhaps have gone through IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) and now have embryos remaining for whom they must make a decision. People who have pursued embryo adoption and are now passionate about sharing how their beautiful children joined their family through this unique path. These ones are my heroes – the ones who advocate for the embryos in ways I never could and inspire my every day. These stories enter into the conversations I have with the adoption professionals I connect with regularly and they are shared with the people, who like you, may be hearing about Embryo Adoption for the first time.

While I love hearing the success stories, I am also honored when people share the struggles that have brought them to even consider embryo donation or adoption. I know this isn’t the first choice for most people I speak with – there is usually some pain that brought you to this point. Were I to walk in your shoes for a few miles, I would likely still not understand how you feel. You are uniquely you and your experiences are uniquely yours, but I am here to listen, to answer questions and let you know there is hope.  Talking with the families interested in pursuing embryo donation and adoption really is what I enjoy most of my life here at the Awareness Center. You’re welcome to give me a call (970-663-6799) or use our live chat feature on  – in fact please do. I look forward to hearing from you, answering your questions and helping you understand how embryo adoption may be right for your family.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy,
    Great to put a face with a name! Always enjoy chatting with you!
    Thanks for sending donors and others our way!
