Friday, January 18, 2013

Our Story: Making an Decision for our Embryos- Pt. 2

The following testimony was written by embryo donors Melissa and Michael for the Nightlight Christian Adoptions newsletter. It is edited by the EAAC for the purpose of this blog. See Part 1

We choose a family that was so much like us it was amazing. They were the first profile we saw but how did we wait to see another profile when this couple was so much like us? We called them Christmas Eve 2011 and told them that we picked them, and our family grew that night!

They called after the first transfer and told us they thawed three and implanted two (one did not make it through the thawing process) and I cried. I cried for the one that did not make it and I cried tears of happiness for the two that did. Then when they went to their first sonogram and to hear heartbeats they called to say they were pregnant with one. Once again tears of sorrow and happiness. Months later and many phone calls and emails later, we got the call they were having a girl!!!

We decided in October to go visit them for a weekend before our bio daughter was born and from the moment we stepped off the plane to the hugs and open arms I knew our life was changed forever, this couple and all of their family was now a part of ours.

We spent time with their families and had some alone time with them.  I sat on the couch with her for a long time with my hand on her belly feeling our bio daughter kick and what a surreal feeling that was! She is due December 27th of this year (any day now) and we are so excited.

We can’t wait to see the first pictures and hear of all her first milestones. We are already planning to get our families together so our children can be close for a lifetime!

There have been times of sorrow and doubt but the reality is we were not going to have 14 more children, and for us, the chance to give a couple what they wanted so badly and give our embryos a chance at life, and to be able to know them and be a part of their life, what more can a parent ask for!!  This has been a very rewarding experience and I can’t imagine our life any other way!

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