Friday, February 8, 2013

What we’re looking forward to in 2013

My mother always said that time starts to go faster the older you get. I must be getting old, because it seems like we just started 2012 and it’s already 2013! The team at the Awareness Center is excited about what this year has in store. Here’s what a few of them shared when we asked what they were looking forward to in the New Year:

“I’m always optimistic about the New Year. I like the feeling of a fresh start and renewed energy. In 2013 I’m excited about our outreach program to fertility clinics and traveling to visit with them personally. This program is a completely winning formula for the clinics as well as for embryo adoption! Our work here at the Embryo Adoption Awareness Center over the past five and a half years has clearly been successful in achieving the goals that we have articulated in our grant proposals. More people are familiar with human embryo donation and adoption, more clinics are discussing it with their patients, and more agencies are sharing it with their clients. Our end goal is always to see more embryos achieve the reason they were created – LIFE!

On a personal note I’m looking forward to some travel plans I have with my eight year old and of course the ubiquitous lose weight and get healthy. We plan to do more bike riding together this year.”

- Kimberly Tyson, Marketing and Program Director.

“I have a feeling that 2013 is going to be a great year! I am excited to talk with more families who are considering adopting embryos, and helping them understand the different aspects of this family building choice. I am also looking forward to helping those who are considering donating their embryos to help another couple achieve their dream. Talking with people on both sides of an embryo adoption is my personal favorite aspect of my job here. Finally, I’m eager to seeing more adoption agencies helping these families achieve their dreams.

On a personal note, this year I will be marrying the love of my life and the days are quickly ticking away towards the big day.  We’re looking forward to setting up our first home together and growing some tomatoes, herbs, squash and peppers in our first garden.”

- Amy Baldwin, Adoption Agency Liaison

“It’s always loved the refreshment a new year brings, and I think 2013 has been no different. There are several things I could say I’m looking forward to this year, but the main thing is seeing more lives changed by the process of embryo adoption. I get re energized every time I read a testimony from an adoptive family and see pictures of their new baby who was a frozen embryo waiting to be born nine months ago. The stories we hear make us all work a little harder and I can’t wait so see what new stories we hear in 2013.

I’m also very excited to launch a new series of short videos we have developed on different topics surrounding embryo donation and adoption. They are different than anything we have previously done. Of course I’m biased, but I think these may be some of our best videos yet.”

- Adam Bohlmeyer- Fertility Clinic Liaison 

“I am looking forward to reaching the many infertile women out there who are in such a desperate state of desire for donor embryos with word that Embryo Adoption agencies have donor embryos available now, and most come with a much lower cost and wait time than going through a clinic. I am excited about our outreach to clinics for the same reason, the ability to reach a new pool of individuals who may not know that there are embryos available, for themselves and their patients. I have been following a couple blogs that were launched by people who have decided to pursue Embryo Adoption in January of this year, and I am looking forward to following on their journey with them.”

- Koralie Whitby- Education Coordinator

What does 2013 hold for you? Adopting embryos? Donating embryos? Learning more about this exciting option? Discover more about embryo donation and adoption at

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