Friday, June 7, 2013

Embryo Adoption Blog Buddies

While we hope that you are steadily following our weekly blog here at the Awareness Center, we do recognize that there are many other great blogs out there well worthy of attention. Below are some of our favorites that we would recommend checking out, especially for families who have, currently are or maybe considering going through embryo donation and adoption.

Two Adoption Stories

The journey of four people with a heart for adoption, this blog was created as a place to share their stories. There are many paths to take when pursing adoption. Their mission is to inspire and inform as they share their journeys with you. Seth and Aubrie, who co-author the blog are embryo adoptive parents who are still going through the process.

Take a look at:

The “best” is HERE!!

This blog tells the story of Laura and Brad, a family who successfully pursued embryo adoption and gave birth to their daughter Makenna three years ago.  The couple is currently pregnant once again through embryo adoption and is expecting their baby in October.

Take a look at:

If you have a blog focusing on embryo donation or adoption, we would love to know about it and keep up to date with your journey. Please send your information to us at

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