Monday, June 17, 2013

Embryo Adoption Mail Bag: Planning Ahead

The following question was sent to the Embryo Adoption Awareness Center earlier this year. If you have questions about embryo donation or adoption, please send them to

Q: We plan to use our three frozen embryos unless both my husband and I die before we have the chance. Can our embryos be donated by writing something into our will?  How would that work?    – Jennifer in CA

A: Dear Jennifer,

It is wonderful to hear you and your husband are planning ahead, which is something we greatly encourage here at the Awareness Center when it comes to creating your embryos.

To answer your question, yes, if something unfortunate were to happen to you and your husband, your remaining embryos can be donated to a specific program if you write specific instructions into your will. My suggestion would be to contact the program you would be interested in donating the embryos to if anything was to happen to you. They will likely be able to provide you specific language or even a form you would need to put in your will.

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