Monday, July 22, 2013

ASRM recommends limits on number of embryos per transfer

The ASRM is taking steps to reduce the number of high-order multiple pregnancies and has introduced suggestions to do so.

Using data available from 2010, the ASRM has revised its guidelines for the number of embryos to be transferred in IVF cycles with a goal of reducing the number of higher-order multiple pregnancies. In an article appearing their website the ASRM writes:

“In an effort to reduce the incidence of high-order multiple gestations and promote singleton gestations, ASRM and SART have developed the following guidelines to assist ART programs and patients in determining the appropriate number of cleavage-state (usually 2 or 3 days after fertilization) embryos or blastocysts (usually 5 or 6 days after fertilization) to transfer.  Strict limitations on the number of embryos transferred, as required by law in some countries; do not allow treatment plans to be individualized after careful consideration of each patient’s own unique circumstances. Therefore, transferring greater or fewer embryos than dictated by these criteria may be justified according to the individual clinical conditions, including patient age, embryo quality, the opportunity for cryopreservation, and as clinical experience with newer techniques accumulates.”

To visually represent their suggested guidelines, the ASRM has created a table recommending limits on the number of embryo to transfer at single time. This table can be seen on the ASRM website.

The guidelines likely also apply to patients undergoing the process of embryo donation and adoption where a family adopts embryo from a donor family and implants them through a frozen embryo transfer.

To learn more about the update ASRM guidelines visit For more information on embryo donation and adoption please visit

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1 comment:

  1. The embryo or blastocyst is a person. Some people want other people to forget this little truth. It's much easier to talk about "it" as though "it" is a "thing", but he or she is a person.
