Friday, July 12, 2013

Video Demonstrates the Power and Value of Embryo Adoption

In North Carolina a couple recently gave birth to a baby boy using donated embryos.  The video details why they chose to use donor embryos.  It also shares the perspectives of the donor couple.

What were two of the issues raised by each family?

  1. The adopting dad is wondering, ‘what if my son meets a biological sibling in the future?’
  2. The difficult decision made by the donor family to gift their embryos to another family.

The process of embryo adoption, offered by several providers in the United States, is a solution for both of these issues.

The donor family gets to choose who receives their embryo gift.  They know that the family who receives them isn’t just ‘Joe and Nancy clinic patient’; the family they choose has been counseling by professional social workers and properly vetted to provide the donor with confidence in their family selection.

The adopting family knows and is known by the donor family at a mutually agreed upon level.  The likelihood of their biological siblings meeting unexpectedly in the future in minimized by the embryo adoption process – one of its strongest points!

More reasons to choose embryo adoption through an agency vs. embryo donation through a clinic.

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