Friday, August 23, 2013

Snowflakes Partner Agency Guides Iowa Family through Embryo Adoption

The Timm family got an unexpected surprise when they went in for their ultrasound. Not one, not two, but three heartbeats. Luke and Joni Timm already have three biological children and knew they wanted to grow their family through adoption. The Timms say on their blog, “Our hearts have long been burdened - in a very good way - to become adoptive parents. Between raising our three children and life in general, we have struggled to find the right time and more importantly - the right need.”

When the Iowa family heard about embryo adoption, they knew it was the right need. After much careful thought, the family submitted their application to the Nightlight Christian Adoption Snowflakes® Embryo Adoption Program through a local agency, Lutheran Family Services of Iowa.  Lutheran Family Services helped educate the Timms and provide them with adoption home study services for their embryo adoption.

In her blog, Joni Timm compares the process of growing her biological family to the home study process:

“Not once before getting pregnant with any of our children did anyone question our health, our financial status, or coverage of insurance. We did not have to draw a floor plan of our home. We did not need references to say that we would be good parents.

This time will be so different. I am asking another couple to choose me to carry their child and add them to my family. Already I am working so hard to make that possible. Every time I fill out a form or sign a paper I have that child and their biological parents in mind. I am doing this for them. This process is not about me. It is to give an embryo (or embryos) a chance to become part of our family.”

The Timms were matched with a genetic family from Alaska who had four embryos remaining after their own attempts at family building were complete. Knowing that every embryo transferred into an adopting woman’s womb statistically has a 35% chance of delivering to term, the couple decided to transfer two embryos into Joni’s womb. One of the embryos split and going against statistical odds, the couple is now pregnant with triplets. The family’s story was featured on their local news station before CNN picked up the couple’s unique embryo adoption journey.

Nightlight Christian Adoptions partners with a select number of adoption agencies throughout the United States to provide a streamlined experience with knowledgeable professionals. Nightlight Christian Adoptions Partner Agencies know how to incorporate embryo adoption education into a home study and work closely with the Snowflakes staff to complete their client’s embryo adoption with simplicity and success.

To learn more about Embryo Adoption, please visit our website at

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