Monday, September 30, 2013

"Snowflake Babies" Featured on 'The Katie Show' Today

Backstage at 'The Katie Show' during her show
on "Snowflake Babies"
It is finally here!!! Today, ‘The Katie [Couric] Show’ airs a very special episode featuring a segment on “Snowflake Babies” and the process of embryo donation and adoption. The show is set to feature several embryo adoptive and embryo donor families as well as a panel of experts including our very own Program and Marketing Director Kimberly Tyson. Visit ‘The Katie Show’ website to find your local listings. Watch the show and then please let us know what you think.

Buzz about the show has already appeared on ‘The Katie Show’ website as a number of families are sharing their experiences with embryo donation and adoption. Below is a small sampling.

“My husband and I were not able to have children of our own, but thanks to programs like "Snowflakes" we now have miracle twin girls!”- Rebekah

“Our daughter is a snowflake baby. We adopted and carried her after 7 years of infertility and several failed domestic adoptions. She is our dream come true, our answer to prayer--our miracle. One of the things that I'm so excited to share with her is that she was wanted twice. The biological donors created her because they desperately wanted children. And we adopted her because we desperately wanted children. How blessed we are to have her in our lives. So thankful that embryo adoption is an option for couples facing infertility.”- Monica

“The genetic parents love the fact that their extra frozen embryos weren't thrown away. Instead, they're delightful, happy, and well-loved children like the 9-month-old sitting on Katie's lap while she interviews his adoptive parents, Kelli & Dan. I so admire them and the genetic family, who is closely connected with them. Even more, I admire Katie Couric for promoting open, ethical, and legal "snowflake" adoptions like theirs!”- Dan

“So excited to see this. About 7 years ago we chose a family for our embryos, through Snowflake, and they had twin boys.”- Jennifer

To share your embryo donation and adoption story with us, or to receive more information on this new, exciting adoption choice, please email

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