Monday, January 6, 2014

Egg Donation VS Embryo Adoption: Which Should You Choose?

(SPECIAL NOTE: Today's blog marks the Awareness Center's 300th blog post! Thank you for all the support you have given our blog over the past four years. We look forward to continuing to provide interesting and important content for our loyal followers.)

Trying to build a family sometimes doesn’t go according to plan.  It’s frustrating and there are a lot of choices and decisions to make.  For example, which is better for you?  Using purchased human eggs to create embryos or using embryos that are being donated by a family who has completed their family building?

For many years egg donation has been a frequent, but expensive, solution for couples struggling with diminished ovarian reserve, poor egg quality or an unexplained fertility issue.  In 1997 a new choice was made available through the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program. Embryo adoption is the process by which intended parents can use embryos remaining from another patient’s in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments for their attempts at pregnancy. No need to create more embryos. No need to purchase expensive donor eggs.

Egg donation and embryo adoption have both resulted in healthy pregnancies for thousands of couples across the United States. While egg donation is a better known option, embryo adoption may just be the solution that some families struggling with infertility are seeking.

Learn more about embryo adoption at

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  1. Great article! We have been wondering about this a lot, and this answered a lot of our questions.

  2. What an interesting article which is useful for those who cannot conceive babies...Thanks for sharing..
