Tuesday, April 21, 2015

What Are Your Chances of a Successful Embryo Adoption?

Many couples who explore embryo adoption as an alternative option for building their family have already been through plenty of heartaches when it comes to their fertility. Many have learned that they are infertile for one reason or the other, or they may have experienced miscarriages, or maybe experienced the pain of a failed traditional adoption. Whatever brings them to explore embryo adoption, they are understandably wary of another family building method that could break their hearts. The good news is that embryo adoption, while not guaranteed, offers a high rate of success.

When it comes to thawing frozen embryos which have been in cold storage, every clinic has its own rate of success. Most clinics experience a 50% to 75% success rate during the thawing process and see strong, healthy embryos that start dividing cells and are ready for implantation. For the frozen embryo transfer (FET), which is the process of transferring the thawed embryos to the mother’s womb, the success rate is actually slightly higher than the rate for in vitro fertilization with fresh embryos. This may be because the adoptive mother hasn’t undergone recent surgery for egg retrieval, and her body won’t be experiencing residual effects from the fertility medication required before IVF procedures.

The CDC reports that in 2011, there was a 35% success rate for FET resulting in a live birth. The Snowflakes program is currently reporting a 43% success rate!  Technology and science are always advancing and doctors better understand how to help more of these frozen embryos become the healthy, happy babies they were created to be. If you’d like to learn more about embryo adoption, the success rates, and what factors can increase your chances of success, sign up for a free webinar at www.embryoadoption.org.

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