Thursday, September 10, 2015

Cancer Survivors Finding Hope in Embryo Adoption

Many cancer survivors face huge obstacles when it comes to building their families through traditional methods. They may be experiencing fertility issues due to chemotherapy or surgical treatments or even be reluctant to pass along their genes to a genetic child due to their own increased risk of cancer. No matter what the reasons are for seeking alternative family building options, their options could be limited and expensive, leaving the cancer survivor unsure about how to go about building their family. Embryo adoption could be the fertility solution they need.

After paying considerable costs for their own treatment, the cancer patient likely doesn’t have the $20,000-$30,000 required for many domestic adoptions, let alone the international adoptions that can cost up to $50,000. Some adoption agencies require cancer patients to have a clean bill of health for up to five years after their treatment, which can be precious child-raising years wasted. Traditional adoption may be too expensive and too constraining to consider.

Embryo adoption can provide a safe, affordable family building solution for many cancer survivors. The cost of embryo adoption is between $6,000 and $15,000, depending on the agency that you use and medical expenses for the frozen embryo transfer process. It’s also safe for most cancer survivors to carry their adopted child in their own womb, getting the chance to experience the joy of pregnancy and childbirth as they build their family.

If you are a cancer survivor who is interested in learning more about embryo adoption, get in touch with the experts at Get answers to your questions, learn more about the process, and find an embryo adoption agency near you.

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