Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Fresh or Frozen Embryos – What Are My Chances for Success?

Couples who are concerned that a frozen embryo adoption won’t offer the same rates of success as a fresh embryo from an IVF cycle are getting good news from a new study by doctors in Australia and New Zealand. A recent study found that frozen embryo transfers have roughly the same rates of success as a fresh embryo transfer. The study followed 71,516 IVF cycles and found that babies were born 23.7% of the time using fresh embryos and 23.6% of the time when frozen embryos were used for the transfer. For couples considering adopting a frozen embryo as a family building method, this is terrific news.

The success of using frozen embryos to achieve pregnancy is largely attributed to advances in the medical field including better rapid freezing techniques and more comprehensive genetic screening. Those techniques should continue to improve over time, leading to more successful in vitro fertilization treatments and a higher rate of success for frozen embryo adoption – a family building method that already enjoys a high rate of success resulting in a happy, healthy babies.

While no family building alternative is perfect, couples can take hope in the fact that these methods are being refined and the odds for success keep going up. Frozen embryo adoption does not guarantee you a child, but for thousands of families searching for a fertility solution, it could be the answer they need. You can learn more about frozen embryo adoption and the success rates by visiting www.embryoadoption.org.

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