Monday, November 16, 2015

Why Embryo Donation Doesn’t Come With Compensation

While it’s true that human egg donors and sperm donors are compensated for their time and effort, currently there are no compensation plans for donor embryos when they are given to a clinic or an agency for adoption.

Embryos donated for reproduction are given by families who have completed their in vitro fertilization process. They are done building their family and now need to decide what to do with their leftover frozen embryos. These couples understand the pain of infertility and want to give the ultimate gift of helping another couple experience the joy of becoming a parent. They don’t want their embryos destroyed or used for scientific experiments, but instead get a chance to grow into happy, healthy children.

In the United States, embryos are considered property and not people, but our courts deem them property deserving of special consideration. Because each embryo inherently contains everything necessary for the biological development of a human, compensation for them is inappropriate.  Eggs are eggs, sperm is sperm.  A human embryo is a potential human being.

Right now embryo adoption is one of the most affordable alternative family building options available. It’s an adoption option that not only allows the couple to experience pregnancy but also give birth to a child. It also gives more frozen embryos the chance to experience the life they were meant to have.

Donating embryos to a waiting family is one of the most amazing gifts you can give, both to the couple and to the children who will be born because of your gift. If you have remaining embryos that you would like to donate to a waiting couple, go to to find a clinic or agency near you.

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