Monday, January 4, 2016

Adoption in 2016 – Have you given consideration to embryo adoption?

Once the holidays start to wind down, many of us start to make plans for the New Year. While many people will make resolutions to lose weight, get a new job, or pick up a new hobby, this is a great time of year for couples to sit down together and make plans for the coming year. If you are a couple who has been struggling with infertility, this is a great time to sit down together and decide how you’d like to move forward with your family building plans in the new year. Is it time to stop your current treatment? Look into embryo adoption? Or do you want to try another round of your current fertility treatment?

Use these tips to get the most out of your discussion time:
  1. Choose a quiet, calm time to talk. The holidays can be busy and stressful, so wait until things have quieted down before you sit down to discuss your family building options.
  2. Be honest about your feelings. If in vitro treatments have become too much for you to bear physically, mentally, or financially, let your partner know. Now is the time to discuss your feelings so you can make a plan that works for both of you.
  3. Take time to research other options. Spend time learning about alternative family building options such as embryo adoption, surrogacy, or domestic and international adoptions.
  4. Make a plan. Understand that as time goes on you might need to change or review the plan, but having a plan in place that you both agree on will help take some of the anxiety and stress out of the situation.
Head into 2016 with a family building plan. If you decide that it’s time to consider embryo adoption, you can learn more about this family building method at

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