Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Confused By Embryo Adoption Terminology? We Can Help!

The world of infertility and embryo adoption is built on its own unique terminology. When you first start discussing infertility and embryo adoption with your care providers, you’ll probably hear a lot of new words and may only have a vague understanding of what they mean. Understanding the terminology being used in the doctor’s office, adoption agency, and online is key to being able to make informed family building plans. We can help!

Check out our Adopters Glossary page. This page has hundreds of clear, informative definitions about the terms you are hearing as you research your infertility treatment options. Here are some popular terms people are searching for in our online glossary:
  • Blastocyst: an embryo made up of two groups of cells, an outer shell of cells with an attached inner group of cells; one group will develop into the fetus and the other will become the placenta.
  • Secondary infertility: infertility in a woman who has experienced one or more pregnancies.
  • Luteal Phase: the post-ovulatory phase, or second half, of a woman's cycle, in which the corpus luteum produces progesterone, causing the uterine lining to secrete substances to support the implantation and growth of the early embryo or resulting in menstruation absent any implantation.
When you encounter a word that you don’t know when you are researching your family-building options, whether that’s in vitro fertilization, embryo adoption, or any other method, make a note of those words and come back to our website. Looking up these definitions can help take some of the confusion and mystery out of your research and help you to become better informed.

There are tons of other great educational resources on our website you shouldn’t miss, too. Check out our webinars, answers to frequently asked questions, and videos about the embryo adoption process. You’ll be able to find it all at embryoadoption.org.

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