Wednesday, February 10, 2016

What Happens to Frozen Embryos in Case of Divorce

No one wants to think it could happen to them, but the sad fact is that nearly half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. Unfortunately, the stress of infertility can sometimes be too much, and can put a lot of strain on a couple. It can even be a contributing factor in their decision to end their marriage. For couples who have undergone in vitro fertilization or embryo adoption, that means they’ll have more difficult decisions in their future: what do they do with their remaining embryos?

This is a question that’s come up in the legal system recently in some highly publicized cases. One high-profile case in California ended with the judge ruling that the remaining embryos must be destroyed, despite the mother’s protests and desire to keep them. This heartbreaking example is just one of the many reasons you and your partner need to make preparations for the worst-case scenario.

When you take the time to create or adopt your embryos, make sure that you're ensuring you have a plan for them in case of divorce. Destroying your embryos isn’t the only option that you have; donating them for adoption is the best option for your embryos. This allows them to be placed with a family who wants to have children and gives your embryos the chance at the life you created them to have. Donation is the only option for your embryos that gives them life.

If you want to learn more about how to legally protect your embryos in case of divorce or are looking for agencies accepting embryo donations, visit for more information and resources.

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