Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Infertility in America: An Infertility Reality Check for the Millennial Generation (pt 1)

Infertility in America 2015 Survey and Report
The Reproductive Medicine Associates of New Jersey (RMANJ) released a new study called Infertility in America 2015: Survey and Report. This 11-page report is packed with interesting information on the current state of infertility in the United States, and we wanted to spend time looking at what the survey found. One of the most startling things reported is the confidence of the Millennial generation in their ability to conceive a child, even if they wait until they are in their mid- to late-30’s. This confidence simply isn’t backed up by reality.

The group surveyed 1,000 men and women in the United States and found that when it comes to having a child, over 90% of the respondents were confident in their ability to conceive a child when actively trying, and 95% of those surveyed said they are confident they’ll be able to conceive within the next five years. However, many Millennials are waiting until well into their 30’s to begin their families, when their own fertility is beginning to decline. As the study points out, there is only a 20% chance of a 30-year-old woman conceiving each month, and nearly 1 in 8 couples will struggle with infertility. Many of these couples are going to have their confidence in their fertility shattered. Confidence can’t change biology.

Couples who plan on waiting to build their families until they are in their 30’s should do as much pre-planning as possible. Make sure you know the risks and benefits of waiting to start your family, and understand the impact your age will have on your ability to conceive. Make a plan with your partner about what options you’ll consider if you are unable to conceive naturally. Are you willing to undergo fertility treatments? Open to adoption? Want to experience the joy of carrying your own adopted child through embryo adoption? Look at the costs and benefits of each option and ensure you have a plan in place for your future family. You can learn more about options and creating a fertility plan at

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