Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Infertility in America: Why Millennials Are Delaying Starting a Family & How Embryo Adoption Can Help (pt 2)

In our last blog, we took at a look at the findings of a report recently released by the Reproductive Medicine Associates of New Jersey (RMANJ) and the overconfidence of the Millennial generation in their ability to conceive a child. The study pointed out that many Millennial couples are putting off starting a family until their 30’s, indicating a huge increase in the average age of mothers at the birth of their first child. The average age has been increasing for decades. In the 1970’s, the average age of a mother at the birth of her first child was 21.4 years old; in 2006, it was 25. Less than ten years later, it’s pushing 30.

So why is the Millennial generation putting off building a family? In the RMANJ study, they asked 1,000 participants that question and almost half of them said they were delaying a family to focus on their career while a third said it was due to finances. Two-thirds of the participants said that they “believe advances in science mean younger adults shouldn’t worry about infertility,” demonstrating that many couples will rely on science to help them overcome fertility issues in the future. 73% of study participants said that they would use cryopreservation to help ensure their ability to conceive in the future, and the rates for in vitro fertilization are higher than ever.

Are these really the best options for Millennials to build their families? Embryo adoption is less costly than cryopreservation or even in vitro fertilization – and in some cases, has a higher success rate. With over 600,000 embryos currently in frozen storage in the United States, this could be the perfect solution for a generation of couples who are delaying parenthood. If you’d like to learn more about embryo adoption and how it could help you build your family, visit www.embryoadoption.com.

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